Kamis, 24 November 2016

Tugas tanggal 24 november 2016

1. apa website yang Anda gunakan untuk menemukan informasi? yang terbaik? Mengapa?
2. apakah sekolah atau guru memiliki aturan tentang menggunakan situs tersebut?
3. apa perbedaan antara informasi online dan informasi dari perpustakaan atau ensiklopedi?

ILHAM                  : friends..what web sites you usually use to look for information?
YOGA                   : I might prefertouseid.m.wikidedia.ac.id.
NURIYANTO        : if I prefertouseblogsopt for information.
ILHAM                  : oh ... of the two sites where the best according to you?
AGUNG                : I prefertousewikipedia as a more reliable source.
NURIYANTO       : I think a more complete blogspotFull of wikipedia.
YOGA                   : but the teacher or school usually do not advoc at eusing blogspot site
         because of lack of trust.
ILHAM                  : What if I go to the library?
AGUNG                : it's greatif you'relooking for library.
YOGA                   : yes just agreed when comparedto a less trusted online information.
NURIYANTO       : I think just the same wherever the source of the information.
ILHAM                  : Okay friends thanks for the advice.

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